Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Tip of the Iceberg

I know this isn't a complete update of my whole trip so far, but this JUST happened!!

LEGIT! So right now I am incredibly in awe. Heideah, a lady that is on this trip, is in her 50s and has walked this whole time with a cane and has been on cortizone for almost a year for her knees. She keeps waking up in the middle of the night hurting and her pain killers haven't been working. We have to take stairs everywhere we go and it has been really bad for her. Today is our day off and she and Inge were in the kitchen talking. I was on the porch right outside doing my devos and heard them talking about acupuncture so I came in to see what was going on. We talked about how that stuff is not good, and can leave open doors to satan. Then we prayed...

I led her in a prayer of repentance for turning to something else for healing instead of to God. I led her in prayer of spiritual warfare, rebuking evil and replacing with God. Then we prayed for healing. Complete healing of body, mind, and spirit. Guess what? She feels a lot better. So then I recalled the time J.C. healed a blind guy and asked him if he could see, the guy said people look like trees and so He prayed again. So we prayed again. Now she is walking up and down stairs 'like young kids' and she can squat! I told her to do something she couldn't do before and she brought her knees up to her chest one at a time and said she hasnt been able to do that in a long long time. Praise God! A bit later we were sitting and talking at the table and she looked down at her knees and the swelling has completely gone away! They were very very swollen before. That is God right there brothers and sisters! I don't know what else to say except Praise God! So spread the word! This is only the tip of the iceberg! Holla!

The funny thing is, there is a lady visiting from Florida and she fell at the airport and has been really hurting. So earlier today Heideah gave her the cane she has been using. haha! The lady with historically terrible knees gave her cane away and then gets completely healed hours later! Praise God! So we are going to go over to the place the Florida lady is staying and have Heideah pray for her now. hahaha!

I have a feeling that this is gonna be one incredible adventure. I'm not even bilingual yet :p haha. So testify to all the amazing things God is doing in Turkey :D I am positive there will be much more to come!


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